Mostrando 97–108 de 135 resultados

  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Puritan’s Pride – Salmon Oil – 120 Capsulas

    $ 17.99

    Puritan’s Pride Salmon Oil contains the finest Salmon Oil available. Salmon contains a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to help promote metabolic, circulatory and heart health.** Take two softgels two times a day to gain the essential fatty acids your body needs for good health.**

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Puritan’s Pride – Spirulina 100 Tablets

    $ 14.99

    Spirulina is a blue/green algae that can be found in the world’s oceans and lakes. It is an important source of plant enzymes, which are protein molecules that are an integral part of many important systems within the body.

    Spirulina contains trace amounts of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, plus the important fatty acids your body needs every day.**

    Our Spirulina’s high quality 65% protein is thoroughly assimilated without the worry of cholesterol and fat that other protein sources may provide.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Puritan’s Pride – Stress Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamin C-500 Timed Release

    $ 17.99

    Timed-Release Stress. Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C 500 provides an excellent source of B Complex vitamins to help safeguard a sufficient daily intake. The B Vitamins, which are essential for the maintenance of healthy nervous tissue, each play a role in energy metabolism in the body. Choline and Inositol are essential components of cell walls and play important roles in cell growth and function. The 500 mg of Vitamin C is added to help support immune function. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C also helps to neutralize harmful free radicals in cells. Adults can take one timed-release caplet daily.

    No Artificial Color, Flavor, No Preservatives, No Sugar, No Starch, No Milk, No Lactose, No Fish, Sodium Free.

    El complejo de vitamina B con vitamina C 500 proporciona una excelente fuente de vitaminas del complejo B para ayudar a salvaguardar una ingesta diaria suficiente. Las vitaminas B, que son esenciales para el mantenimiento del tejido nervioso sano, desempeñan cada una un papel en el metabolismo energético en el cuerpo. La colina y el inositol son componentes esenciales de las paredes celulares y juegan un papel importante en el crecimiento y la función celular. Los 500 mg de vitamina C se ayudan a la función inmune. Como antioxidante, la vitamina C también ayuda a neutralizar los radicales libres dañinos en las células. Los adultos pueden tomar una cápsula de liberación cronometrada diariamente.

    Sin Color Artificial, Sabor, Sin Conservantes, Sin Azúcar, Sin Almidón, Sin Leche, Sin Lactosa, Sin Peces, Sin Sodio.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Puritan’s Pride – Taurine 1000 mg

    $ 11.99

    Taurine is an amino acid found in muscles. Taurine is one of 20 amino acids (protein building blocks) and the second most abundant free amino acid in muscles. Taurine plays a role in the control of ionic flux, thereby effecting anabolic processes. Diet is a major source of this amino acid, but concentrations in foods and supplements can vary. With all of the Taurine supplements on the market, it is hard to choose the right one one for you. Our Taurine is made from premium ingredients and backed by a quality formulation, which means you reap maximum benefits.

    No Artificial Color, Flavor or Sweetener, No Preservatives, No Sugar, No Starch, No Milk, No Lactose, No Soy, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Fish, Sodium Free.


    La Taurina es un aminoácido ubicado en los músculos. Taurina es uno de los 20 aminoácidos (bloques de construcción de proteínas) y el segundo aminoácido libre mas abundante en los músculos. Taurina juega un papel muy importante en el control del flujo iónico, lo que conlleva procesos anabólicos. La dieta es una fuente importante de este aminoácido, pero las concentraciones en alimentos y suplementos pueden variar. Con todos los suplementos de taurina en el mercado, es difícil elegir el adecuado para usted. Nuestra taurina está hecha de ingredientes de primera calidad y respaldada por una formulación de calidad, lo que significa que obtienes los máximos beneficios.

    Sin saborizante, sin endulzante artificial, sin conservadores, sin azúcar, sin almidon, sin leche, sin lactosa, sin soja, sin gluten, Sin trigo, sin levadura, sin pescado, sin sodio.

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    Puritan’s Pride – Vitamin C-1000 mg with Bioflavonoids & Rose Hips / Vitamina C

    $ 14.99

    La vitamina C es esencial para muchas funciones en el cuerpo y es una de las principales vitaminas para el apoyo inmunitario y ayuda a combatir los radicales libres que dañan las células. Nuestro producto también incluye Rose Hips, que ayudan al cuerpo a absorber y utilizar la vitamina C.

    Ofrece un soporte antioxidante superior.

    Admite una función inmune saludable y promueve el bienestar.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Puritan’s Pride – Vitamina B-1, 250 mg

    $ 14.99

    (Clorhidrato de tiamina)
    Apoya el metabolismo energético y la salud del sistema nervioso **
    Azúcar, almidón & amp; Sin preservativos, in colorante, saborizante o edulcorante, sin conservantes, sin azúcar, sin almidón, sin leche, sin lactosa, sin soja, sin gluten, sin trigo, sin levadura, sin pescado, sin sodio.

    (Thiamine Hydrochloride)
    Supports Energy Metabolism and Nervous System Health**
    Sugar, Starch & Preservative Free, no Artificial Color, Flavor or Sweetener, No Preservatives, No Sugar, No Starch, No Milk, No Lactose, No Soy, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Fish, Sodium Free.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Puritan’s Pride – Wheat Germ Oil 1130 mg

    $ 17.99

    Rico en aceites esenciales omega 3,  antiinflamatorios y  rico en vitaminas E


    Rich  in essentials oils omega 3, anti-inflammatory and  rich in vitamins E

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    S.S.S. Tonic

    $ 19.99

    SSS Tonic gives you more than the minimum daily requirements of iron and certain important B-complex vitamins considered essential to good health.


    Anemia is a condition that occurs when there is insufficient hemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen to cells and tissues. Common signs and symptoms of anemia include fatigue and weakness.

    Anemia can result from a variety of medical problems, including heavy menstrual bleeding, and deficiencies of iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, and folic acid. Other causes can be from a low dietary intake of iron and poor absorption.

    Your doctor can tell if you have anemia by a blood test called a CBC (complete blood count). Your doctor can also do a physical exam and talk to you about your diet, the medicines you are taking, and your family health history.

    About Iron

    Iron, one of the most abundant metals on earth, is essential to most life forms and to normal human physiology. This metal is an essential component of proteins involved in oxygen transport, among many other things.

    Almost two-thirds of iron in the body is found in hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues. Iron is also found in proteins that store iron for future needs and that transport iron in blood. Iron stores are regulated by intestinal iron absorption.

    Iron is:
    • An essential mineral
    • A carrier of oxygen in the body
    • Necessary to make hemoglobin
    • Found in every cell of the body

    Iron Deficiency

    Iron deficiency, as the name implies, is a condition resulting from too little iron in the body. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause of anemia in the United States.1

    According to the Mayo Clinic, one in five women and half of all pregnant women are iron deficient. Lack of iron in your diet is one cause of iron deficiency anemia, but there are other causes as well. You can usually correct iron deficiency anemia with iron supplementation.2

    Beginning signs of iron deficiency:
    • Loss of appetite
    • Constipation
    • Headaches
    • Irritability
    • Difficulty concentrating
    Established Signs of iron deficiency:
    • Weakness
    • Fatigue
    • Coldness of extremities
    • Depression
    • Dizziness
    • Overall pallor
    • Pale, brittle nails
    • Pale lips/eyelids
    • Mouth soreness
    • Cessation of menstruation
    • Loss of libido
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  • Saca Fuerza Mayra Berenice

    Saca Fuerza de Mayra Berenice – Capsulas

    $ 35.99
    • Fortalece tu sistema inmune
    • Excelente antibiótico 100% natural
    • Combate problemas anti-bacterianos y anti-virales
    • Contiene vitaminas, aminoácidos, flavonoides, antioxidantes entre otros.

    Anti-inflamatorio natural


    Tomar 1 cápsula 2 veces al día y beber de 8-10 vasos de agua al día.

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  • Satura – Crema humectante con vitamina A / Moisture cream with vitamin A

    $ 14.99

    Crema humectante para el cuerpo de Satura con vitamina A para piel seca.

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana


    $ 14.99

    Sinestres Stress Relief can be counted on to relieve the everyday stresses of a hectic and hurried lifestyle. While we cant slow the pace of things around us, we can change how it affects us. Stress inhibits the immune systems ability to combat diseases. Once your immune system is weakened, its open to the ravishes of things like the common cold and flu. If your immune system is damaged long enough or severe enough, you could be susceptible to more severe diseases and illnesses. Sinestres Stress Relief contains plant extracts, vitamins and acids that are known to help boost the immune system. Before taking the product, you should always consult with your doctor to make sure the product agrees with your health. Your doctor or pharmacist can also offer advice about your most effective dosage levels. As a complement to your product, maintain a healthy lifestyle, get plenty of rest, and eat well and exercise on a regular basis. You only have one life so live it well.

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  • Sinestrés 15 Viales

    $ 17.99
    • Sinestres  15ml 15 Viales Ácido glumático, fósforo y vitaminas neurotónicas
    • El original de El Salvador!
    • Alivia el Estrés!
    • Apto para diabéticos
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