Mostrando 1–12 de 17 resultados

  • Ajo King - Mujer

    Ajo King – Mujer (Cápsulas)

    $ 24.99


    Cólicos, Inflamación del vientre, Dolor abdominal, Irritabilidad, Ansiedad, Insomnio, Ciclo irregular, Flujo.


    Tomar una tableta de cada frasco, en la mañana, y en la tarde.


    Ajo, Dong Quai, Cancerina, Zarzaparrila, Manrubio, Trebol rojo.

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  • Hormomax Betel

    Betel Hormomax – Té

    $ 11.99

    Hormomax. Ayuda en la mestruacion, menopausia y limpieza del utero. Apoyo al sistema hormonal.
    Infusión de hierbas naturales. Manzanilla, Jamaica, Canela, Anís Estrellado. 30 bolsas de té de 2gr c/u.

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    Crema de Raiz de Camote Silvestre / Yam Root

    $ 14.99

    Esta crema tiene propiedades hidratantes excepcionales y auyuda al cuerpo a combatir los bochornos, los golpes de humedad y otros problemas relacionados con la menopausia.

    Crema base
    Patata dulce salvaje
    Vitamina B12
    Vitamina A
    Vitamina D2
    Black Cimifuega

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Dong Quai & Royal Jelly

    $ 13.99

    Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of the larvae. It is secreted from the hypopharyngeal glands in the heads of young workers and used (among other substances) to feed the larvae in the colony.[1] Additionally, if a queen is desired, a chosen larva will receive large quantities of royal jelly as its only food source for the first four days of its growth. This rapid, early feeding triggers the development of queen morphology, including the fully developed ovaries needed to lay eggs

    Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids, lipids, sugars, vitamins, and most importantly, proteins. It contains high levels of vitamins D and E, and also has ample levels of iron and calcium. As all of these are essential to proper health and organ function, it is very easy to see how Royal Jelly can help with in assisting with fertility.

    • To increase libido
    • Support egg health
    • Diminish and reduce the signs of aging
    • To reduce inflammation caused by illness or injury
    • To naturally boost the bodies immune system
    • To help treat auto-immune problems like non-rheumatoid arthritis

    It is extremely important to note that Royal Jelly should not be taken by everyone. As with anything, even those things that are natural, it is possible for an individual to have an allergic reaction from consuming the jelly. If you know that you have an allergy to bee stings or even an allergy to honey, you should not take Royal Jelly, as side affects and reactions can include minor to severe skin irritations, difficulty breathing or even anaphylactic shock.

    Dong Quai. In Chinese medicine, different parts of the dong quai root are believed to have different actions – the head of the root has anticoagulant activity, the main part of the root is a tonic, and the end of the root eliminates blood stagnation. it is considered the “female ginseng” because of its balancing effect on the female hormonal system. However, studies have not found dong quai to have hormone-like effects.

    • Menopause
    • Weakness after childbirth
    • Women’s tonic
    • Chronic nasal or sinus congestion
    • PMS, painful menstruation
    • Maintain estrogen and progesterone within normal levels
    • Promote hormonal harmony throughout the menstrual cycle
    • Help with common premenstrual ‘blues’
    • Promote hormonal balance during the menopause and peri-menopause
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    Feminele Capsulas

    $ 17.99
    • Feminelle diseñado para mujeres con menospausia
    • No contiene Hormonas
    • No tiene efectos Secundarios
    • Formula rica en fitoestrogenos
    • Ayuda para los bochornos, sudoración, cambios repentinos de humor, resequedad enn la piel, depresión, aumento de peso
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  • INOVA – Colageno hidrolizado / Hydrolyzed collagen

    $ 19.99

    Colageína 10 revitaliza tu cuerpo de adentro hacia afuera, permitiendo que el colágeno se absorba más fácilmente.

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  • Lydia Pinkham – Complemento de hierbas liquido / Herbal liquid supplement

    $ 19.99

    Complemento de hierbas liquido con vitaminas C y E , te ayuda a sentirte mejor en la menstruación y menopausia.

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  • Máscara Super lash almendra / Rimel Super lash Almond

    $ 2.99

    Máscara de pestañas con aceite de almendra para una mirada radiante!

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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Nutrilite® Women’s Pack

    $ 44.99

    Conveniente nutrición diaria de vitaminas y minerales para las mujeres
    Tome un paquete todos los días para apoyar las necesidades de suplementos nutricionales específicos de las mujeres. Bueno para su yo interior con calcio para sus huesos y omega 3 para su cerebro y corazón. Bueno para su belleza exterior, promoviendo una piel y cabello sanos y uñas fuertes.

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  • PROSA – Máscara Maxi-volumen / Maxi-volume Rimel

    $ 3.99

    Máscara Maxi – Volumen para obtener la mirada que siempre deseaste!

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  • PROSA – Máscara Micro fibras / Micro fiber Rimel

    $ 3.99

    La máscara para pestañas 4 en uno Micro-fibras funciona como extensiones para tus pestañas.Esta mascara te dará una mirada seductora.

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  • Prosa – Máscara Passion / Passion Rimel

    $ 3.99

    Máscara para pestañas Passion 4 en uno, sus fibras alargadoras harán que tus ojos luzcan radiantes y llenos de vida.

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