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  • Farmacia Naturista Mexicana

    Nature’s Sunshine – Menstrual Reg

    $ 23.99

    Heavy menstruation isn’t just inconvenient, it is also quite uncomfortable, especially when it is accompanied by cramping, bloating and mild mood changes. Menstrual Reg is designed to help reduce these symptoms while keeping hormones balanced.

    In normal menstruation, estrogen and progesterone are in balance and, together, they regulate the building of the endometrium, which is then shed during menses. However, when these hormones are out of balance, the endometrium grows thicker and, when it is shed, excessive bleeding occurs. This inconvenient health issue can be exacerbated by cramping and bloating and can lead to low levels of red blood cells.

    • Helps with heavy menstruation.
    • Maintains proper hormone balance in the female body.
    • Supports a more comfortable menstrual cycle.

    Menstrual Reg contains antihemorrhagic herbs as well as herbs that provide overall support to the female body. These herbs help regulate blood flow and keep hormones properly balanced.

    Yarrow, shepherd’s purse, nettle leaf and lady’s mantle help to decrease blood flow, while sarsaparilla gets closer to the root of the process. It appears to help support progesterone activity. Black haw can help ease cramped uterine muscles. Chaste tree and false unicorn help to support proper female hormone levels.

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